Frequently Asked Questions
Check out a few popular questions and their corresponding answers, below.
Yes. Everyone needs regular dental checkups to prevent oral disease, decay and tooth loss. Your Waterdown dentist can identify potential oral health problems and provide appropriate treatment. Even if you brush and floss daily, your teeth and gums still need regular care from a dental professional. The frequency of recall examination depends on the individual, but our practice often recommends every 6 months at least. This will prevent problems from progressing and causing pain and possibly tooth loss. Frequent preventative visits will also help establish a better relationship and communication between you and your oral health providers.
A dental checkup at Waterdown Village Dentistry will usually involve a review of your medical and dental history, past or new x-rays, overall examination of your facial and intra-oral tissues, such as your teeth, gums, tongue, cheeks, and palate, professional dental cleaning including scaling if indicated, polish to smooth and remove stain, fluoride treatment, pointers on your hygiene and home care, diagnosis of cavities and any other recommended treatment options explained to you by your dentist.
Dental x-rays allow the dentist to check areas of the teeth and tissue that are not visible during an oral clinical exam. With x-rays, we can see decay, location and condition of existing fillings and crowns, etc., the condition of the tooth root, unerupted teeth and underlying bone to ensure that there is no infection or bone loss, and the location of impacted wisdom teeth. Digital x-rays are available in our office to reduce the amount of radiation exposure even further than traditional dental x-rays. In addition, you wear a protective lead apron and thyroid to elimination unnecessary exposure. You should inform your dentist if you recently had multiple medical x-rays or if you are pregnant.
A root canal and a crown will become necessary at this point or a of the tooth as the worst case scenario. The financial cost as well as the loss of tooth structure is much less when a cavity is small than when it is left untreated until you are in discomfort. Getting a filling done is a proactive approach instead of waiting until the cavity hurts.
Assignment is the direct billing of your insurance policy provided we have previously confirmed applicable coverage is in place. Any amount due for services not covered by our insurance policy are due at time of services.
Pre-authorized Visa or Mastercard installment payments is a financial option to certain patients where they have established a trust with the office. Talk to our administrative personnel for details.
Most insurance providers base their fee schedule on information published by the Ontario Dental Association. Waterdown Village Dentistry uses the current year’s suggested fee guide to make up for insurance lag and as a cash courtesy to patients. However, if the ODA fee schedule is difference than the fee schedule used by your insurance provider, you are responsible for the balance owing.
If we could adjust fees and still remain economically viable, we would do so for all patients, not just insurance subscribers. Many insurance companies use a co-payment plan where part of the dental fee is covered by the insurance company and part is covered by the patients.
Through these plans, the patient is legally liable for his/her portion of the fee. Writing off or adjusting the fee means the insurance company assumes responsibility for a higher percentage of the total – this constitutes insurance fraud.
Dental fee is $100. The insurance pays 80% and therefore covers $80, leaving the patient to pay the remaining $20. If we reduce the total amount owed by $20 by writing the patient portion off, your insurance provider has ended up paying the full $80 fee, or 100%. The insurance provider is now responsible for 80% of the $80 or $64. Writing off the original patient portion of $20 defrauds the insurance company of $16.
A certain treatment costs $950. The patient has three insurance policies: A, B, and C. Each policy will cover 50% up to the fee schedule maximum of $800. Policy A and B will each pay 50% of the maximum ($400) to total $800. Policy C, however, will not cover anything as policies A and B have already covered everything up to policy C’s maximum. The patient is responsible for the outstanding $150.